So on March 1 we made the move to our new place, just up the road from our previous residence - and, given the fact that it's still a rental, we love it! Slightly smaller (more appropriate size) and in MUCH better condition. Lots of character.
And still lots of space for brewing and cellaring. Photos will come soon...we only found the camera battery charger yesterday.
And speaking of finds, the landlord had 3 boxes of swing-top Grolsch bottles in the basement: "you can have 'em, just give me some of the beer, man!" I believe were his exact words.
I unleashed the "Appalachian Pale Ale" yesterday and it is de-licious. Probably my favorite homebrew creation thus far. This one will be worth posting tasting notes, for sure. This more than makes up for the failed attempt at this same basic recipe a couple of months back, and the re-used Bastogne yeast (harvested from the joint project with JT) makes it go down REALLY smooth. This is something of a celebrity brew for another reason, as well -- it moved to the new apartment with us, mid-ferment! I'll admit to being quite apprehensive about hauling the carboy up the road, but it seemed to work out just fine. I left it in secondary for an extra week, just to give it more settling time.
And I've got a Saison bubbling away in the closet (started it last Friday). This is my first foray into the farmhouse genre, so we'll see what happens. Also using some harvested Bastogne yeast for this go-round. Thanks to the aforementioned closet and a little space heater, I've attempted the warm-ferment that is often recommended for a Saison. At this point, it looks nice and cloudy.
Name, brew recipe, and label to be unveiled soon...but with a centuries-old origin in the rural borderlands between Flanders and France, I've got a great idea for the nomenclature on this one.
In other music-meets-beer news, I stumbled across this:

This looks pretty exciting to me. If I were in NYC on the 26th, dog(fish)gone it if I wouldn't make it out for that!
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