07 April 2009


So, a self-annoyance: I make meticulous notes on my homebrew sessions, only to lose the sheet upon which said meticulous notes have been made. That being the case, I am not entirely sure the exact time of primary and secondary fermentations, nor what the final ABV of the Josquin des Prez is!  My estimate (based on numerical recollections, never my strong suit) is between 8.3 and 8.5%.  At any rate, STRONG.

That can, however, be countered with two bits of GOOD news:

1) I have procured three hop rhizomes (two Cascade and a Willamette) from my favorite Homebrew Supply Store, and the hope is to get them in the ground soon!  My landlord (and gardening buddy) CW is erecting some trellises at his place, where they should flourish. Here's hoping.

2) I took a sneak-peak at the Stammerer Quadrupel Ale and it is GOOD. Damn good. Amazingly, I'd-pay-nine-dollars-for-a-bottle kind of good.  If this is any indication what we could do on a regular basis, then JT and I are brewing geniuses.  Stay posted for a review sometime soon, but believe you me I'm going to try to nurse these precious bottles for a long, long time.

3) New homebrew *hopefully* getting started this evening -- a clone rendition of our very own backyard Highland Gaelic Ale.

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