12 January 2008

The Fifth Round of Homebrew (Part One)

I'm currently beginning Homebrew #5, destined to become "John Dowland's Lachrymae -- English Bitter Ale" (if you're curious about that one, try here.) This will be my first foray into an English-style beer, and also my first time using Irish Moss as a clarifying agent.

(what ever would I do without Wikipedia?)

Here's the run-down, courtesy once again of Asheville Brewers Supply:

1 lb crushed grains (.2 lb American Munich malt/ .2 lb Belgian biscuit malt/ .6 lb British 2-row Crystal malt), steeped 55 minutes

5 gallons of Alleghany County (NC) mountain water!

6 lb Northwestern Gold syrup extract
1 lb Briess Golden Light DME

1 oz Brewers Gold hops @ 5 min
1 oz Willamette hops @ 20
1 oz Willamette @ 45

1 tsp Irish Moss @ 30 min

off boil @ 45 min

White Labs (liquid) London Ale yeast

I'll most likely (depending on fermentation) primary for 7 days or so and secondary for 7-10 days after that. Hoping for an ABV somewhere in the 4% range, but that aspect (predicting gravity) is still a complete mystery to me.

I couldn't resist following up the Weiss posting with a similar tip-o'-the-hat to Dowland:

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